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30 Questions To Ask When Choosing a Therapist

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30 QUESTIONS TO ASK WHEN CHOOSING A THERAPIST DR. JAN NEWMAN Finding a therapist can be challenging. After you’ve made the decision that therapy could be helpful for you, how do you approach finding the best one for you? Therapy requires a significant investment of time, money, and effort. Although doing the research can be […]

You Can Do Hard Things

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YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS DR. JAN NEWMAN You can do hard things. As we start off 2023, it’s important to have self-compassion. Every year we move past 2020, it seems like the better things should get. Maybe sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves about that. Even when it’s hard, remember that you […]

How Burnout Affects Mental Health

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HOW BURNOUT AFFECTS MENTAL HEALTH DR. WILLIAM HASEK Burnout is on the rise. According to a recent poll by Gallup, 76% of employees report experiencing burnout at some point, and 28% say that they feel burnt out nearly all the time Unsurprisingly, people experiencing burnout are more likely to have symptoms of depression and insomnia; […]

Are New Year’s Resolutions a Good Idea for Habit Change?

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ARE NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS A GOOD IDEA FOR HABIT CHANGE? DR. JAN NEWMAN It’s the beginning of a new year, and we all know what that means?! New Year’s resolutions. Believe it or not, you’ll find some strong opinions out there on New Year’s resolutions. In this guest blog feature, our own Dr. Kayleigh Hunnicutt […]

Recognizing the 3 Key Signs of Burnout

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RECOGNIZING THE 3 KEY SIGNS OF BURNOUT DR. JAN NEWMAN When it comes to work, most people aren’t skipping gleefully to their jobs or responsibilities every single day. Some disdain is normal, but too many stressful days or months in a row can throw your body and mind into a bad case of burnout. Sometimes […]

A Psychologist Shares 7 Strategies to Slay Stress and Banish Burnout

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A PSYCHOLOGIST SHARES 7 STRATEGIES TO SLAY STRESS AND BANISH BURNOUT DR. JAN NEWMAN Feeling exhausted and uninspired about work could be about having a bad day. That happens to almost everyone. Sometimes you might even notice feeling cynical about work with a touch of dread or “Sunday Scaries.” Again, that happens to almost everyone […]

What is ADHD and Why Is it So Misunderstood?

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WHAT IS ADHD AND WHY IS IT SO MISUNDERSTOOD? DR. JAN NEWMAN Why Is ADHD So Misunderstood? You may hear people flippantly volunteer such labels as “I’m ADD” or “I think I have ADHD” when they forget something or zone out during a conversation. Yet this usage doesn’t reflect increased awareness or sensitivity or a […]


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WHY TRYING TO CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS DOESN’T WORK DR. JAN NEWMAN This month, in Episode 2 of the Mastering Momentum podcast, I start the conversation about emotional control and why it does not work. We tackle a few things: The traps that can block us from performing at our highest level How to […]

Trusting Yourself More Than Your Memory: Tips for Values-Based Decision Making


TRUSTING YOURSELF MORE THAN YOUR MEMORY: TIPS FOR VALUES-BASED DECISION MAKING DR. JAN NEWMAN I am a psychologist and a coach. Although being a coach, in most states, requires no certification or specialized training, a clinical psychologist must be certified to be a coach to comply with state requirements. So, even though I had a […]

Yelling at Kids is Bad for Them, But Parents Aren’t


YELLING AT KIDS IS BAD FOR THEM, BUT PARENTS AREN’T DR. JAN NEWMAN This is the third installment in my Shame-Free Parenting Master Series. Check out the previous installment here: 6 Steps to Emotional Self-Awareness for Parents. When your child acts out or “talks back,” it makes you feel uncomfortable. To be more precise, your […]