When your child or teen won’t go to therapy, and you want to help.
Please note: At this time, only Dr. Newman is the only certified SPACE provider. Please contact us if you are interested in this option.
I’m worried that she’s still not able to sleep by herself. I want my bed back, but I don’t know what to do.
He refuses to go to activities and has a fit if we try to take him.
She is afraid to go to the doctor. Every time we go, it’s a fight. Shots are a nightmare.
He is still afraid about a really bad storm. When it thunders, he wants to come into our room and sleep with us.
She fainted last year, and now she’s afraid she will faint if she gets hot. She doesn’t want to play tennis anymore.
He worries so much and is so perfectionistic about schoolwork that he is always behind. I’m staying up all night working on papers with him.
Whenever we ask her to clean her room or help out around the house, she erupts and tells us that she “can’t handle it anymore.” With the increase in teen depression and suicide, we are worried that pushing this will push her over the edge.
He’s so hard on himself about his grades. He falls apart when he doesn’t get everything right.
She’s the kid I never had to worry about, but why can’t I stop worrying about her?
An evidence-based therapy that focuses on YOUR skill and ability to help and empower your child.
SPACE is a parent-only therapy for parents of children and teens with anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and phobias.
SPACE can also help anxious children or teens who have sleep issues, are picky-eaters, and avoid/refuse to go to school, participate in activities, or engage in self-care .
Dr. Newman is one of only a handful of approved SPACE providers in North Carolina.
Dr. Newman received her training in SPACE at Yale University.
Here’s an article from the Atlantic discussing parenting children with anxiety and discussing the research on SPACE.
Please Note:
SPACE is a highly specialized treatment for parents of children with anxiety disorders and OCD that includes exposure-based protocols, which require advanced training. If you’re primary concerns are things like “talking back” or “disrespect” or making sure your child completes chores, then there are other therapies that might be best.
SPACE is not a first-line treatment for children or teens diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder, but can be used in conjunction with other therapies for those populations. Although Dr. Newman has extensive training in working with these diagnoses and ran a program for youth that had these and other issues, she no longer focuses on primarily conduct or behavioral problems. When a child has both issues, she will typically refer to a therapist with training in applied behavior analysis (ABA) techniques and work in tandem with them.
If you’re child is participating in DBT therapy, it is typically best to complete DBT. Dr. Newman no longer provides DBT parenting services but can refer you to someone who does. Dr. Newman can support parents who have completed a DBT program with ongoing DBT parenting support.
“We are so grateful to Dr. Newman for teaching our entire family how to manage our daughter’s anxiety. Our daughter previously worked with another therapist for a year but failed to make consistent progress. We were considering taking her to a psychiatrist but decided to try Dr. Newman instead. Dr. Newman helped our daughter set and achieve specific goals related to her anxiety. She taught our daughter how to confront her fears and, most importantly, taught us as parents how to support our daughter without feeding her anxiety. Our daughter is developing greater independence and confidence thanks to Dr. Newman.”
(Parents involved in the SPACE program and child involved in individual therapy for anxiety and phobias). This was an unsolicited testimonial.
Dr. Newman has extensive training and experience in working with parents and families as a psychologist and a director of a residential treatment program for at-risk youth. She is also a mom. She gets what it likes.
She knows first hand how difficult it is to be the parent you want to be especially when you’re stressed and exhausted. Or, when you’re stuck in the house during a pandemic.
She will help you understand what is causing your child’s behavior around anxiety We will identify those barriers and troubleshoot them.
She will teach you evidence-based skills that are effective and straightforward. These skills can be implemented in a practical way. We will also laugh – a lot. We are fellow travelers in this whole parenting thing, after all. Laughter is survival.
You don’t have to live in a home full of conflict. You CAN have a good relationship with your child, even if they are struggling with mental health issues. We help parents just like you gain the confidence to tackle their child’s challenging behaviors and emotions effectively. To begin therapy online in NC, GA, VA, TX, PA, AL, CO, UT, FL & other PSYPACT states, please follow these steps:
Complete this form or call our office at 704-444-0087 to request an appointment with me. Then, you will be contacted by our client care coordinator via email to make an appointment.
Schedule an intake appointment with Dr. Newman.
Begin online parenting to break through the barriers that keep you from having the life and relationships you want.
As an online or virtual therapy practice, our mission is to offer a variety of online therapy services to help you focus on your needs. We take the stress out of getting the treatment you deserve with our flexible, convenient, and easy-to-use therapy and assessment services. We offer online therapy in several states including North Carolina, Alabama, Colorado, Washington DC, Georgia, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Utah, and all PSYPACT states, and we new states added to our list on a regular basis.
We specialize in working with high-performing professionals, executives, lawyers, entrepreneurs, physicians and other healthcare professionals, creatives, athletes, and students (college, graduate, and professional programs). We will soon be offering for high-achieving teens who want and are a good fit for online or virtual therapy. Our therapists are all doctoral-level psychologists. Depending on the therapist you see, we can offer help with stress and burnout, anxiety, trauma and PTSD, ADHD, and depression as well as vicarious trauma, life transitions, and relationship problems. Learn more about the cost of online therapy on our investment page. Getting the best therapist for your needs no matter where you live and being able to fit it into your busy schedule might be the secret. Online therapy may be the answer you’ve been looking for! We use evidence-based treatment methods including ACT, DBT, RO-DBT, CBT, ERP, and trauma-informed therapies.
Please contact our office and request an appointment to hear about the many ways we can help you thrive and be successful in work and life, and hopefully all the way around.
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