Hi, I’m Dr. Jan Newman, the owner and founder of Momentum Psychology. I’m also a licensed clinical psychologist, performance coach, speaker, podcast host, trainer, entrepreneur, former lawyer, university professor, and published researcher.
Who I Work With
I specialize in working with high-performing individuals, including executives, entrepreneurs, students, creatives, celebrities, and professionals in law, medicine, business, and other high-pressure careers and their families.
What I Do
I use my training and experience in clinical and behavioral pscychology and neuroscience and biofeedback as both a coach and a therapist.
In therapy, I specialize in supporting those looking for help with;
I have highly specialized training in exposure-based techniques including prolonged exposure for PTSD and exposure and response prevention for OCD and habit reversal and other techniques for trichotillomania. Although this is still cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), it is very heavy on the “B’ if you will.
A Little About Me
Before I became a licensed psychologist, I practiced intellectual property and corporate law in one of the largest law firms in the United States.
Before opening my private practice, I was a psychology professor at an R-1 university and a program director managing a multi-million dollar grant-funded residential and step-down treatment for at-risk youth with trauma and behavioral problems.
A North Carolina native, after living all over the United States, I came home to live in Charlotte, NC, with my husband, two children, two German Shepherds, and a confused, big, orange cat who thinks he’s a dog.
I’m an avid traveller, outdoor enthusiast—hiking, backpacking, snow skiing, scuba diving (that’s my photo above!), whitewater kayaking—you name it—I’m there!
Movement and breath work(with a boost from neuroscience and HRV monitoring) are my secret weapons for managing stress. After learning the value of movement as an athlete, it has always been my go-to.
I help people get unstuck, claim more confidence and clarity, and unleash their full potential to build a life that aligns with their values.
My greatest hope is that my clients will lead the rich and fulfilling lives they’ve always wanted and, through our work, will have mastered how to make sustainable change from the inside out for the rest of their lives!
I often tell my clients that they are incredible, like a Ferrari. Even a Ferrari can get stuck in first gear, but it really doesn’t like it. However, my hope is that together, you will learn how to take care of your Ferrari on your own, no need to take it in the shop.
The end goal of therapy is that you don’t feel like you have to go therapy any more.
When I was a lawyer, finding a therapist or coach who could really understand what I was going through was challenging. Usually, the main problem was that they would let me “vent” and talk about my problems for an hour, after which I felt worse. However, when I lived in Boulder, there was the one time a therapist asked me to lie down on a table and turned the lights off, and I promptly ran out of the office.
Later, when I was a psychologist, my clients expressed relief at finding someone who really understood.
Some described leaving their therapist’s or coach’s office feeling guilty or ashamed about their success or their lack of fulfillment in a job or career that others might feel “lucky” to have. Many felt guilty that they were in pain even though the world was telling them that they were “priveledged.”
Others said they felt, like me, that they felt more stuck and hopeless after the session than they did going into it.
My experience in law and business and now as a serial entrepreneur helps me to really understand what it’s like for professionals at work and at home. This allows me to offer my clients research-based, sustainable, and powerful solutions that are also real-world and pragmatic.
I’m known for my authenticity, collaborative style, and fierce dedication to empowering and supporting my clients. Clients tell me they value my diligence, action-oriented approach, and warm, funny but “keeping it real” style.
I sincerely love what I do and do it with vigorous passion and gratitude. I’m insatiably curious about human behavior, potential, and performance. I’m constantly reading, learning, and challenging myself to master the art and science of what I do and “walk the talk” myself.
Yes, I have street creds. However, I have learned from my own experience and supervising dozens of therapists that in addition to the training and experience piece, a good therapist can create a feeling that you have someone 100% on your side, with no conditions or exceptions. It is all about the relationship between the therapist and the client.
I received my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Auburn University with highest honors and my J.D. from UNC-Chapel Hill with honors.
I completed my predoctoral residency in clinical psychology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Consortium at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Center of Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Study Center, and OU Medical Center.
After my residency, I received postdoctoral training at Yale University, the University of Virginia, Emory University, and Auburn University.
Please see my Google Scholar and Research Gate pages for my published works.
To register your interest in coaching services with Dr Newman then please click the button below.
Licensed Psychologist, North Carolina
Licensed Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) Telepsychology Provider
Licensed Psychologist (Telehealth), Florida
Licensed Attorney, North Carolina
Licensed Attorney, Colorado (Inactive Status), Cooley Godward, LLP
Trauma-Focused CBT, Certified Therapist and Supervisor
SPACE, Certified Provider, Yale University
Individual Affiliate Member, Duke / UCLA National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Board Certified Coach, CCE
Member, Mecklenburg County Bar Association
Former Treatment Director, Auburn University Residential Treatment Program
Former Faculty Member, Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology Program, Auburn University
ADOS-2 Examiner Training, Emory University
Certified Forensic Examiner Training, University of Virginia
Interdisciplinary Training Program on Child Abuse and Neglect, OUHSC
I use only evidence-based approaches. In general, this means that I strive to use treatment approaches that have been supported by reliable and replicable empirical research to show positive outcomes for clients.
I have received extensive clinical training and experience in the following evidence-based approaches:
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) (completed advanced peer-reviewed postdoctoral training)
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Certified Foundations Provider
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE), Certified Provider, Yale University
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
Prolonged-Exposure Therapy for Trauma (PE)
Cognitive Processing Therapy for Trauma (CPT) (completed Advanced PET Training with Dr. Patricia Resick)
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Certified TF-CBT Provider and Supervisor
Everhart Newman, J. L., Larsen, J. L., Thompson, K., Cyperski, M., & Burkhart, B. R. (2019). Heterogeneity in male adolescents with illegal sexual behavior: a latent profile approach to classification. Sexual Abuse, 31(7), 789-811.
Everhart Newman, J. L., Falligant, J. M., Thompson, K. R., Gomez, M. D., & Burkhart, B. R. (2018). Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy with adolescents with illegal sexual behavior in a secure residential treatment facility. Children and Youth Services Review.
Brogan, K. M., Rapp, J. T., Niedfeld, A. M., Coon, J. C., Everhart Newman, J. L., & Burkhart, B. R. (2017). Increasing quiet compliance by detained male adolescents. Behavior Modification, 41(6), 788-807.
Newman, J. L. E., Larsen, J. L., Cunningham, K. B., & Burkhart, B. R. (2015). An examination of the factor structure of the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory in a sample of detained adolescent boys. Psychological Assessment, 27(3), 1022.
To read about Dr. Newman’s interviews for podcasts and publications, please check out our press.
“Dr. Newman’s level of dedication and empathy is unmatched. It is an exceptional sight to see an individual who possesses so much love for what they do and give an unprecedented amount of dedication to each case. ”
If you are a current client of Dr. Newman, you may manage your account through her separate client portal.
Intake: $325
Standard Session: $285
Parenting (SPACE, etc): $295
As an online or virtual therapy practice, our mission is to offer various online therapy services to help you focus on your needs. We take the stress out of getting your desired treatment with our flexible, convenient, and easy-to-use therapy and assessment services. We offer online therapy in several states, including North Carolina, Alabama, Colorado, Washington DC, Georgia, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennesee, Texas, Virginia, Utah, and all PSYPACT states.
We specialize in working with high-performing professionals, executives, lawyers, entrepreneurs, physicians, healthcare professionals, creatives, athletes, and students (college, graduate, and professional programs). We will soon be offering for high-achieving teens who want and are a good fit for online or virtual therapy. Our therapists are all doctoral-level psychologists. Depending on the therapist you see, we can offer help with stress and burnout, anxiety, trauma and PTSD, ADHD, and depression, as well as vicarious trauma, life transitions, and relationship problems. Learn more about the cost of online therapy on our investment page. Getting the best therapist for your needs no matter where you live and being able to fit it into your busy schedule might be the secret. Online therapy may be the answer you’ve been looking for!
We use evidence-based treatment methods, including ACT, DBT, RO-DBT, CBT, ERP, and trauma-informed therapies.
Please contact our office and request an appointment to learn about the many ways we can help you thrive and be successful in work and life, and hopefully, all around.
Photo credit above. Copyright 2022-2025. Jan Newman. All rights reserved.
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