Request an appointment by clicking here or by calling 704-444-0087


This is who we serve and how we roll.

On this page you will learn more about:


Momentum Psychology is a unique, specialty psychology collective of independent psychologists committed to providing next-level therapy with a specific focus on high-achieving individuals

We are dedicated to:

  • Bringing you highly skilled and dedicated PhD-level psychologists with the best training and experience out there who can hold space for #allthefeels and all the #idontknowwhatifeels.

  • Teaching our clients through the science of cutting edge therapy–using evidence-based treatments rooted in neuroscience and psychology like CBT, ACT, DBT, and RO-DBT.

  • Mastering the craft of therapy so that our clients feel fully present, seen, and heard and ready for life transformation.

  • Empowering people to take consistent action every day towards their values to change their lives.
  • Going full-tilt Jedi Master on the therapeutic relationship because we know that it’s the “force” behind every single thing we do.

  • Bringing it with online therapy in a way that you haven’t experienced. We really love doing online therapy. We LOVE offering our clients the flexibility to get what they need and the convenience and comfort of being in their home or office. Our psychologists have training in providing therapy online and are good at making the online format feel more like IRL without the traffic or waiting rooms.

“We’re dedicated to bringing high-performing individuals and their families the best and most dedicated psychologists who hold space for #allthefeels and all the #dontknowwhatifeels.”


Our current clients include professionals in law, finance, medicine, business, and healthcare so lawyers, financial advisors, fund managers and traders, physicians, therapists as well as entrepreneurs, executives, athletes, artists and creators, public figures and celebrities, and graduate and professional students. . . (WHEW!) 

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Although those people have different skills and descriptions, they have several things in common.

Our clients are amazing, multi-passionate, and driven individuals who are often struggling with anxiety, trauma, relationship problems, work dissatisfaction, and burnout that’s often complicated by . . .

  • perfectionism
  • imposter syndrome,
  • people pleasing

High-performing people typically value things like:

  • Purpose

  • Clarity

  • Compassion

  • Kindness

  • Leadership

  • Flow

  • Influence

  • Empowering Others

  • Perspective

  • Learning

  • Integrity

  • Energy

  • Courage

  • Effectiveness

Unfortunately, there’s some less than helpful social programming and conditioning that comes along with high achievement that can work in the short term (what employer doesn’t love a people pleaser) but not in the long term (when you find yourself working every weekend).

Strategies can range from “pushing through” or “compartmentalizing” or “sucking up and dealing with” boredom, distraction, anger, and sadness to using ineffective strategies in relationships with the people that matter most to them like people pleasing, subjugating their needs, stonewalling, avoiding, or fault finding without awareness. 

There can be a tendency to buy and obey that self-talk that sounds like: “If you fail, something terrible will happen” or “You can’t mess this up” or “Don’t ask for help. It’s easier to do just it yourself.” 

When things get tough, it feels normal to invalidate yourself:  “No excuses” or “Just do what you’ve got to do” or“Get over it” or “Stop being such a whiner.” 

Even when those strategies are unworkable.

Despite their achievements, some high achieving professionals feel intense shame, thinking that they aren’t worthy of the success they have or admitting to friends and families that they aren’t fulfilled by it either. Some have been chasing the approval of others or the elusive fleeting butterfly of happiness for so long that they can’t remember the last time they thought about what truly mattered to THEM or were choosing authentically.


When you’re a professional struggling with the demands of work and family, you want to find someone—anyone who really gets it.

Momentum Psychology was founded to meet a need. When our founder, Dr. Newman, was working as a corporate lawyer, she wanted to find a coach or therapist who truly understood how impossible it was for her to achieve anything resembling a work-life balance. It was extremely challenging for her to integrate her career and personal life.

She tried a few therapists. Their solution was always some version of “you need to quit your current job.” She had already tried switching firms and practice areas and moved across the country. It was more than that.

When she missed an appointment due to a big closing at work, she gladly paid the session fee. However, the  therapist sent her an email lecturing her on her lack of commitment to wellness and self-growth. 

Then she tried a coach for attorneys who gave her a free consultation, a free e-book, and a career strengths measure, which suggested that she would find happiness as a real estate broker or a funeral director. Yep. True story.

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The problem was the lack of control and autonomy over the hours she worked and the clients she worked with and a profound lack of meaning and purpose. Her experience was either being shamed or guilt tripped or getting advice and quick-fix ideas that didn’t work and would never touch the deeper need.

The problem was her lack of control and autonomy over the hours she worked and the clients she worked with, as well as a profound lack of meaning and purpose. Her experience was either being shamed or guilt-tripped or getting advice and quick-fix ideas that didn’t work and would never touch the deeper need.

Many therapists have not lived in this world. They haven’t worked in a demanding profession in a corporate or institutional environment where your time is never yours.

They haven’t pulled an all-nighter and have been expected to be at work first thing in the morning.

And, unless you have, it can be challenging to truly get it.

Most of our therapists have likely pulled all-nighters working for some version of “the man” somewhere.

Dr. J is also dedicated to ensuring that they get what it’s like in case they haven’t been in the corporate world. When she trained at the VA, she was required to learn tons of military terminology, so she could no longer do so and the veterans wouldn’t have to do all of that explaining. It worked brilliantly to bridge the gap.

Although the name of the game is getting the art and science of doing on-the-money, high-performance, relationship rockstar psychology, she also wants to make sure our therapists know the language that is the reality of many of our client’s world: from KPIs, equity buyouts, roadshows, and incentive stock options to billable hours, “on track,” lockstep, and bespoke to acceleration clauses, private equity, angel investors, deal flow, LOIs, cap tables, dilution, and pay-to-play provisions to acceleration clauses, FTEs, and non-competes.

For other performers, artists, athletes, and entertainers, it we strive to help you follow Rick Rubin’s advice: “all that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now.” It can be challenging to understand the price you pay for name recognition and the struggle when you’re off your game and the muse has gone quiet.

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We don’t do what we do because it’s a job. We do it because it’s our passion and our calling.

We want to join forces with our clients to make a dynamic duo, Jedi council, superhero league, and wizard college to supersize our impact on the world.

Our founder was a practicing lawyer who clawed her way from “Biglaw” to a PhD in clinical psychology because she believed that by empowering other humans she could transform her life and others. While she was billing time in 6-minute increments and flying to negotiate a deal while 5-months pregnant, she knew deep down she was meant for something more. Even though she loved working with clients, she didn’t love law.

She left a cushy multi-six-figure job as an attorney living in Boulder, Colorado, to move to the Deep South on a wing and a prayer to pursue clinical psychology on a graduate student stipend with an infant, a confused, retired police K-9 yellow lab, one fantastic partner, and pregnancy! You’re all-in-committed and daring or you’ve completely lost your mind to do something like that.


Everyone and their brother (and their director of clinical training, inlaws, outlaws, random strangers) told her that she was “crazy” to leave the law and that she’d live to regret it. Yeah, so that didn’t happen. It was quite the opposite. (Yet she doesn’t regret being a lawyer; most of her best friends are still lawyers.)


Our psychologists have similar war stories of making it through the gauntlet of a doctoral program to get here. The point is – we’ve got a fire in our belly over here for this work!


We are a group of passionate, committed, and highly-trained licensed psychologists who are licensed in our home states where we reside. As qualified licensed psychologists, we also have an E.Passport and an Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) through the PSYPACT program coordinated by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). 

This program allows licensed psychologists with the required training, experience, and qualifications to practice telepsychology from the psychologist’s home state to any state registered in the PSYPACT compact. 


Currently, these states include those identified on the PSYPACT website and here:







District of Columbia (DC)













New Hampshire

North Carolina




South Carolina






West Virginia


If your state is not listed above – then we can not currently work with you. If you would like referrals, please contact our Client Coordinator.


In therapy, you can learn how to deal with your stress and avoid professional burnout. This will allow you to focus your attention on the things that really matter in your life? Doesn’t that sound worthwhile?

To begin therapy online in Charlotte, NC, Georgia, Texas, Ohio, and other PSYPACT states, please follow these steps:

  1. Complete this form or call our office at 704-444-0087 to request an appointment with one of our psychologists. 

  2. Then, you will be contacted by our client care coordinator via email to make an appointment with the therapist of your choice.

  3. Begin therapy for high-performing professionals to break through the barriers that keep you from having the life and relationships you want.

doctor onlinetherapyinCharlotteNC onlinetherapist onlinetherapyinNorthCarolina CharlotteNC NorthCarolina Texas Virginia Georgia


 As an online or virtual therapy practice, our mission is to offer various online therapy services to help you focus on your needs. We take the stress out of getting your desired treatment with our flexible, convenient, and easy-to-use therapy and assessment services. We offer online therapy in several states, including North Carolina, Alabama, Colorado, Washington DC, Georgia, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Utah, and all PSYPACT states. We add new states to our list regularly.

We specialize in working with high-performing professionals, executives, lawyers, entrepreneurs, physicians, healthcare professionals, creatives, athletes, and students (college, graduate, and professional programs). We will soon be offering for high-achieving teens who want and are a good fit for online or virtual therapy. Our therapists are all doctoral-level psychologists.  Depending on the therapist you see, we can offer help with stress and burnout, anxiety, trauma and PTSD, ADHD, and depression, as well as vicarious trauma, life transitions, and relationship problems. Learn more about the cost of online therapy on our investment page. Getting the best therapist for your needs no matter where you live and being able to fit it into your busy schedule might be the secret. Online therapy may be the answer you’ve been looking for! 

We use evidence-based treatment methods, including ACT, DBT, RO-DBT, CBT, ERP, and trauma-informed therapies.

Please contact our office and request an appointment to learn about the many ways we can help you thrive and be successful in work and life, and hopefully, all around.


Please subscribe to our email list for updates on psychology and wellness topics, events, workshops, and blog updates.

Please visit our resources page for our curated recommendations on books, apps, videos, Ted Talks, and some products to help you thrive. You can also check out some of our interviews and article interviews here.

If you are interested in high-performance habits and behavior change, check out our founder’s executive coaching page and podcast called Mastering Momentum!