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Finding Relief: Therapy for Overwhelmed Entrepreneurs in North Carolina

  Are you an entrepreneur in North Carolina feeling overwhelmed by your workload and struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance? You’re not alone. Entrepreneurship in North Carolina often comes with a distinctive set of challenges and pressures that can spike stress levels and hinder overall productivity. This heightened stress may lead to burnout, deteriorating […]

10 Books to Help You Change Your Life


10 BOOKS TO HELP YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE DR. JAN NEWMAN Whether you are planning a new career or job change, wondering which direction you want to go in, or recovering from trauma, grief, or loss, we have included some recommendations from our MP Team of psychologists. We invite you to explore these books with […]

5 Shows and Movies That Portray Therapy and Therapists

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5 SHOWS AND MOVIES THAT PORTRAY THERAPY AND THERAPISTS DR. JAN NEWMAN Images, scenarios, and depictions in TV and film can help us connect with things that can sometimes be difficult to describe in words. Below we’ve listed those shows and movies that people have mentioned as helpful. A very important part of treatment is […]

Feel Good Movies That Can Make You Smile

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FEEL GOOD MOVIES THAT CAN MAKE YOU SMILE DR. JAN NEWMAN Certain movies are called “feel good” for a reason. Watching movies can actually improve your psychological health. Of course, it depends on the type of movie and how it resonates with you. According to a 2021 study, cinema or video therapy exposes people to […]

Online Therapy for Busy Professionals: Is It Right for You?

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ONLINE THERAPY FOR BUSY PROFESSIONALS: IS IT RIGHT FOR YOU? DR. JAN NEWMAN Busy professionals often face unique barriers to therapy. What has stopped you from seeking out therapy before? Don’t want to block out 2 hours to go to therapy and then face a hectic commute as your reward? Aren’t sure how you can […]

Finding the Right Therapist

FINDING THE RIGHT THERAPIST DR. JAN NEWMAN Has anyone ever suggested “maybe you should see someone?” When a loved one or health care provider says that “therapy” might help, what do they mean? Without more specificity, the word “therapy” doesn’t really mean anything. When most people recommend or consider “therapy” for a problem, they seem […]

Therapy or Coaching: Understanding the Difference and Choosing What’s Best for You

THERAPY OR COACHING: UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE AND CHOOSING WHAT’S BEST FOR YOU DR. JAN NEWMAN “I think I might be burned out.” “I’m really struggling.” As psychologists and coaches, we often hear these things from prospective clients. And we hear them from our friends and family. The last few years have been challenging for all […]