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How Therapy for Parents Enhances Family Well-Being

therapy for parents

How Therapy for Parents Enhances Family Well-Being *This content has been provided by the Momentum Psychology marketing team!  Family well-being is the cornerstone of a thriving society, and at the heart of every family are parents who play a pivotal role in shaping the dynamics of the household. In the modern world, however, the challenges […]

Unveiling the Transformative Power of Therapy for Adults

therapy for adults

Unveiling the Transformative Power of Therapy for Adults In adulthood’s fast-paced and demanding landscape, many individuals grapple with many challenges that can affect their mental and emotional well-being. Whether it be the pressures of career, relationships, or personal growth, navigating the complexities of adult life can be overwhelming. In such moments, therapy emerges as a […]

The Essential Guide to Therapy for College Students

therapy for college students

The Essential Guide to Therapy for College Students Transitioning from high school to college is an exciting and transformative time in a young person’s life. However, it can also be a period of significant stress and adjustment. The pressures of academic expectations, newfound independence, and social challenges can take a toll on students’ mental health. […]

How Therapy for Lawyers Enhances Professional Success

therapy for lawyers who suffered from stress

How Therapy for Lawyers Enhances Professional Success *The following content has been provided by the Momentum Psychology marketing team. In the fast-paced and demanding world of law, where high stakes, long hours, and intense pressure are the norm, the mental well-being of legal professionals often takes a backseat. However, the link between mental health and […]

Doing What Matters – The Power of Values-Based Living


DOING WHAT MATTERS – THE POWER OF VALUES-BASED LIVING DR. JAN NEWMAN One of the many reasons that I love Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and the research-based training and coaching models based on it is the emphasis on values as the guide for our choices and actions. Clarifying and acting on your values intuitively […]

6 Steps to Emotional Self-Awareness for Parents


6 STEPS TO EMOTIONAL SELF-AWARENESS FOR PARENTS DR. JAN NEWMAN When I tell parents that one of the biggest influences on their children is how they regulate their own emotions and model that for their children, they react differently. Some nod and say, “that makes sense.” Yet I’ve had my share of eye-rolling and comments […]

Pull Out All the Stops Parenting: 5 ideas for Infusing Your Parenting with Play


PULL OUT ALL THE STOPS PARENTING: 5 IDEAS FOR INFUSING YOUR PARENTING WITH PLAY DR. JAN NEWMAN Let’s face it. Our kids are bored. Really bored. We tell them we understand, but we don’t really. How could we truly understand what it’s like to grow up during a global pandemic? Regardless of your generation, we […]

Use the Force: What Jedi Masters Teach Us About Emotion Regulation


USE THE FORCE: WHAT JEDI MASTERS TEACH US ABOUT EMOTION REGULATION DR. JAN NEWMAN When I worked as a director in a university-run residential treatment program for at-risk boys, a core component of our group treatment program was emotion regulation. My doctoral students and I always knew when we said the word “emotion,” we were […]