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Do you have a young adult child who is still living at home and is struggling to live and function independently? You’re not alone.

A 2017 study indicated that about 36% of adults ages 18 – 31 still live at home with their parents. In some states such as New Jersey, that rate can be as high as 45%.

Many highly dependent adult children also have comorbid mental health problems. Many refuse to go to therapy.

The Child Study Center at Yale University has launched a treatment study of a parent-based treatment for parents of highly dependent adult children or those who have “failed to launch.” This is a parent-only therapy, so if you’re child doesn’t want to go to therapy, you can still do something.

Treatment will be at no cost to families participating in the study. Treatment can be delivered virtually, so it is open to everyone in the United States, not just locally.

One of the principal investigators of the study is Eli Leibowitz, the developer of a highly successful parent-only therapy for children and teens with anxiety and OCD.

If you are interested in the study, please contact:

If you don’t have an adult child, you may still be able to benefit from the wonderful treatment programs developed at Yale by working with a provider certified through Yale’s SPACE program.

What is Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions or “SPACE”?

SPACE is a parent-only evidence-based therapy for parents of children and teens with anxiety and OCD that has been found to be just as effective as individual therapy.

Earlier this year before the pandemic shut down the world, I went to Yale to visit with the team there and received my certification in this awesome program.

Well, what’s the big deal? Wouldn’t it just be easier to take your child to therapy and drop them off?

I know that could be a precious hour that you could catch up on work, run errands, or have a moment of peace. It sounds awesome. Yet, this approach is not always effective. Why? Because we know a few things:

1) Most kids don’t want to go to therapy even with a highly effective therapist.

It’s just not the most fun thing you can do when you’re dealing with a pandemic. It’s easier for parents to commit to therapy.

By the way, a highly effective therapist is going to use evidence-based treatment (read – has mad skills) AND be highly interpersonally skilled (read – kids thinks he/she “gets it” and “isn’t full of crap like most grown ups” and is warm, caring, and maybe even cool!). But alas, it still isn’t Xbox.

2) The research is clear. The biggest variable that affects positive outcomes for individuals in therapy is their motivation and engagement.

So, if the child isn’t motivated to attend or engage in therapy, it doesn’t work as well.

3) Although there are biological factors at play, anxiety is a learned behavior, so it’s highly environmentally influenced. So, doing therapy with an anxious child or teen without involving the parents or supporting them will likely not work very well unless, perhaps, the child is EXTREMELY motivated and committed to work of therapy.

So, here’s my first video – taped on a Friday afternoon after I had been out biking with a helmet. Not my best idea. Then, I thought, “Why don’t I just bite the bullet and post on Youtube! I mean no one has ever had something bad happen there!” Well, at least my son thinks I’m cool now because I have a Youtube channel!



At my Charlotte, NC therapy office, I offer a variety of mental health services. I also offer online therapy in North Carolina and soon Florida and several other states! In my therapy practice, I work primarily with busy professionals and parents. I provide treatment for anxiety, stress, trauma, vicarious trauma, and life transitions and parenting for parents of children with anxiety- and trauma-related issues. Please contact my office to hear more about the many ways I can help you thrive and be successful at work and at home.


If you are experiencing stress but don’t think those symptoms have risen to the level of impacting your psychological health, then executive coaching may be more your style. I offer those services to professionals including healthcare providers in my coaching practice.


If you are a therapist, I provide training, consultation, supervision, and business coaching. For coaches, I provide training and coaching services. Please check my resources page.


You can also visit my blog or follow me on Facebook where I offer more information on psychology, human behavior, and neuroscience.

You can also visit my resources page for my most frequently recommended resources.


Yale University Child Study Center

The Atlantic, What Happened to American Childhood (mentions SPACE treatment)

Lebowitz, E. R., Marin, C., Martino, A., Shimshoni, Y., & Silverman, W. K. (2020). Parent-based treatment as efficacious as cognitive-behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety: A randomized noninferiority study of supportive parenting for anxious childhood emotions. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(3), 362-372.

Momentum’s resources are for informational purposes only and are not intended to assess, diagnose, or treat any medical and/or mental health disease or condition. Our resources do not imply nor establish any type of therapist-client relationship. The information should not be considered a substitute for consultation with a qualified mental health or medical provider who could best evaluate and advise based on a careful evaluation.