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6 Steps to Emotional Self-Awareness for Parents


6 STEPS TO EMOTIONAL SELF-AWARENESS FOR PARENTS DR. JAN NEWMAN When I tell parents that one of the biggest influences on their children is how they regulate their own emotions and model that for their children, they react differently. Some nod and say, “that makes sense.” Yet I’ve had my share of eye-rolling and comments […]

Parenting Master Series: The Modern Parent’s Guide to Shame-Free Parenting

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PARENTING MASTER SERIES: THE MODERN PARENT’S GUIDE TO SHAME-FREE PARENTING DR. JAN NEWMAN Ever feel like the world is out to get you as a parent? Does it seem like you can’t ever get anything right? I feel you. So hard. I transitioned to psychology as a second career. I had worked in the demanding […]

Pull Out All the Stops Parenting: 5 ideas for Infusing Your Parenting with Play


PULL OUT ALL THE STOPS PARENTING: 5 IDEAS FOR INFUSING YOUR PARENTING WITH PLAY DR. JAN NEWMAN Let’s face it. Our kids are bored. Really bored. We tell them we understand, but we don’t really. How could we truly understand what it’s like to grow up during a global pandemic? Regardless of your generation, we […]

Parenting Resources to Keep Your Kids Connected as COVID Continues


PARENTING RESOURCES TO KEEP YOUR KIDS CONNECTED AS COVID CONTINUES DR. JAN NEWMAN Back in March, I wrote a popular blog article describing resources for parenting during COVID. Since then, I have been amazed and inspired by the determination and resilience of children and families in our communities. Despite the challenges of COVID confinement, there […]