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How to Set Boundaries – Examples and Scripts

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HOW TO SET BOUNDARIES – EXAMPLES AND SCRIPTS DR. JAN NEWMAN In a recent article, I wrote about why setting boundaries with others is difficult and why it is also helpful for us and the other person. In this article, the focus is on what setting boundaries compassionately actually looks or rather sounds like IRL. […]

Setting Boundaries: A Pathway to Compassion

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SETTING BOUNDARIES: A PATHWAY TO COMPASSION DR. JAN NEWMAN It’s that time of year again. The kids are back in school. All the vacations have ended. Work is back in full force. Our schedules keep filling up with “have tos” and “musts,” but we don’t timeblock our gravity needs – what I sometimes call those […]

Control What You Can


CONTROL WHAT YOU CAN DR. JAN NEWMAN With tears of frustration building in his eyes, my son tried to explain his problem. He and a close friend had disagreed about some obscure detail from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) at school. (If you have older kids, that might make you laugh, but as we are […]

Parenting Master Series: The Modern Parent’s Guide to Shame-Free Parenting

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PARENTING MASTER SERIES: THE MODERN PARENT’S GUIDE TO SHAME-FREE PARENTING DR. JAN NEWMAN Ever feel like the world is out to get you as a parent? Does it seem like you can’t ever get anything right? I feel you. So hard. I transitioned to psychology as a second career. I had worked in the demanding […]

Pull Out All the Stops Parenting: 5 ideas for Infusing Your Parenting with Play


PULL OUT ALL THE STOPS PARENTING: 5 IDEAS FOR INFUSING YOUR PARENTING WITH PLAY DR. JAN NEWMAN Let’s face it. Our kids are bored. Really bored. We tell them we understand, but we don’t really. How could we truly understand what it’s like to grow up during a global pandemic? Regardless of your generation, we […]

Use the Force: What Jedi Masters Teach Us About Emotion Regulation


USE THE FORCE: WHAT JEDI MASTERS TEACH US ABOUT EMOTION REGULATION DR. JAN NEWMAN When I worked as a director in a university-run residential treatment program for at-risk boys, a core component of our group treatment program was emotion regulation. My doctoral students and I always knew when we said the word “emotion,” we were […]

Are You Ready to Take the Red Pill? 6 Ways to Escape the Corporate Matrix

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ARE YOU READY TO TAKE THE RED PILL? 6 WAYS TO ESCAPE THE CORPORATE MATRIX DR. JAN NEWMAN Adapted from article originally published on Shrink Tank blog February 2018. “The Red Pill makes you aware of the true nature of the Matrix. The Blue Pill keeps you ignorant of reality.” It’s the beginning of a […]